• Magica Frutta

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Neighborhood fruit and vegetable shop. Open Mon-Sat 08:30-13:00, Mon-Wed 16:30-20:00, Fri-Sat 16:30-20:00. Closed Sun.

Venue map for Magica Frutta
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1 Review

First Review by Bella&Ollie


Points +1382

04 Jul 2024

Classico e carino fruttivendolo/ Classic and cute fruit seller

It has been some time since my last visit however, during that visit I saw that they had a variety of fruits and vegetables, fruit baskets, prepackaged goods and more. I bought a few fruits that tasted good. The fruits were expensive so I would recommend lowering the price given the competition of being situated in the middle of two major supermarkets.

È passato del tempo dalla mia ultima visita, tuttavia, durante quella visita ho visto che avevano una varietà di frutta e verdura, cesti di frutta, prodotti preconfezionati e altro ancora. Ho comprato alcuni frutti che avevano un buon sapore. La frutta era costosa quindi consiglierei di abbassare il prezzo data la concorrenza di essere situato nel mezzo di due grandi supermercati.

Pros: Variety of fruits/ Varietà in frutta , Grandi cesti di frutta e verdura

Cons: Costoso per la zona/ expensive for the area

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