Nay-flower's profile
There comes a time when you realize that there are somethings you can't do on your own. You will need help. 1:: Mods:1/2in lobes;spider-bites;right cheek [retired];tattoo [left shoulder blade] workin on more 2:: This is stellar and I am so stoked x] 3:: I am a vegetarian; the way they treat animals is cruel and inhuman 4:: I am currently completely confused on everything life seems to throw my way 5:: I'm not the sweet innocent person people make me out to be! I know my way around a party ok x] 6::Die hard PAT[RIOT]S fan =3 7:: My friends call me a HIPPIE, sometimesx] 8:: I do not have a drivers permit or license, but I am highly capable of driving 9:: I hide my insecurity with narcissism 10:: I am stuck in a world of constant imagination 11:: I am semi-active 12:: I ? adding color to my life. don't forget that i'm awesome because:: one. i am beautiful; two. i write great poetry; three. i have amazing friends; four. i have a random and loving personality; five. i dance randomly and stupidly; six. i can make anyone smile; The stuff above is old. I just copied it from my Myspace [that's how you know its old, no one uses Myspace anymore. lol] I don't feel like deleting it, so I'm just going to add to it. I still have 1/2 in lobes. I don't really have spider-bites; the holes are still there, but because I work so much, I leave the rings out. My right cheek is still retired; I'm working on getting it out of retirement, but not sure how that is going. I got a tattoo July 29, 2011. You can find pictures of it in my album: "Tattoo 7.29.2011" Its not just a random tattoo. It has a purpose, a meaning. Its for my dear friend Catlin May. Its unfinished. I have to get the lettering, but I'm not sure when I'll be able to get it. I'm still vegetarian and have been for six years. Number four is still true; even though things have been getting better lately, I'm still confused. Number five is true, but I don't party much anymore; I'm a little to busy for that now. Number six: GO PATS! Number seven, not sure why that was ever there, but I am a bit of a hippie. Number eight: still don't have a license, but I'm workin on that. Number nine and ten still true, but I've been living in reality for a few months now. I still occasionally let my mind float to the clouds :) Number eleven: I gained like thirty pounds while I was in Florida and since I've been back I've lost in between five and ten pounds. Working on loosing more, but I'm a bit lazy lol I still write poetry. I'm actually uploading them online. If you want to check them out visit Let me know what you think. WHAT WHAT IN THE BUTT Well that's all I can think of at the moment. If you want to know anything - anything at all - just message me x]
Active 11 yrs ago
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