Kool_kitchen's profile

I'm a DJ on KCLA 99.3FM In LA, 107.5 Andhow.FM in New Zealand, Maximum Threshold Radio, Rock Radio UK, Sword Radio UK, Jammerstream One, Kor Radio, Bombshell Radio, Pop Radio UK, Radio Wigwam, Dirty Chai Radio, Rock XS Radio. Radio Candy Radio and Radio Lantau. My show is unpaid and survives on donations. You can donate here via paypal www.stephenmbland.com/olas-kool-kitchen become a subscriber on Patreon here https://www.patreon.com/olaskoolkitchen or buy merch here olaskoolkitchen.dizzyjam.com Follow me on FB https://.facebook.com/olakoolkitchen/, Twitter https://twitter.com/OlasKoolKitchen or listen to my podcasts here https://www.mixcloud.com/olaskoolkitchen/.I like great music, traveling and food!
Active 1 wk ago
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