Jwvh's profile

Olá, I'm Jan. I recently moved to Portugal where I work in an international school. Vegan for the animals and the planet and the universe and beyond. Also, here's what I like – in no random order*: Young border collies, Observing, Universal (non-)human rights, Ipod classics, Fractals, Ys, Omnipotence, Unicorns, Rancid, Eggplant, Autarkies, Douglas hofstadter, The big lebowski, Hiking and all things outdoorsy, Irony, Special topics in calamity physics, Sufjan stevens, Objecting, South park, Evolutionary ethics, Nirvana, Dave eggers, Mosasaurs, Educating, Awesomeness, Madame curie, Existentialist thoughts, Scientific methods, Sounds of silence, Acrostics, Glenn gould, European integration, Wombats, Infinity, T.s eliot, Holden caulfield, Ideals, Natural history, Annie hall, Mischievousness, Evening snow, Sherlock holmes, Sun porches, At the drive-in, Gilmore girls, Euphoniums! Also: Johann Sebastian Bach. La Di Da, La Di Da * H.i.n.t.: Honesty, Idleness, Now you get it(?), Thanks!
Active 9 mos ago
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