Community: Members: Profile

VeganChee's profile




VeganChee is a brand that develops products of 100% vegetable origin, they are prepared with great dedication, with ingredients of biological origin and without any chemical additives, such as color or aroma. The need to develop these products arose from an awareness of food and intended to be a healthy and healthy alternative, allowing you to share difficult moments with your family and friends. Veganchee products have their own color, aroma and flavor and do not contain milk or any other product of animal origin. It is suitable for vegans, people with milk allergies, or simply for those who want to eat healthy. They can be enjoyed for breakfast, snacks, or simply to prepare a different dish. We seek to use organic products from suppliers close to our production site, in order to also reduce the ecological footprint of our products. This concern extends to packaging and that is why we chose glass for yogurt packaging. We believe that our health depends on what we eat, but also on what surrounds us, which is why respect for the environment and all beings is always present in our way of thinking and acting.

Active 5 mos ago

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