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Trish007's profile

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Queensland, Australia


I am my Mother's daughter I was born in England in my great grandmother's house as most babies were born at home those days. Fed potato and gravy at 3 months despite the visiting Nurse telling my Mum that she was trying to kill me with it. I was always quite shy, did terrible at school as my reports show apart from my interests in Religion, typing and shorthand. I harbored a passion to be a Nun because they always seemed so ethereal to me. So calm and at peace with the world. I came to Australia with my 10 pound pom parents in 1973, wearing my red woolen winter dress and arriving on a nice hot day. Married at 20, divorced at 49. Gave birth to 11 children including triplet girls. All to the same father/husband. I have 7 grandchildren and I'm proud of each and every one. So much for being a nun

Active 6 yrs ago

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