Community: Members: Profile
Nyahstar's profile

Artistically inclined, Magically delicious Introverted Earth Angel with socially extroverted tendencies (ie. My energy makes me a people magnet). Girlie Tomboy. A Bookworm who goes on an occasional hiatus. Eccentrically complex. Gullible Pessimistic Optimist. Drawn to sarcastic/wry/intelligent humor. Lover of varied Art/Fashion/Music and other cultural ish. Aspiring Yogini. Tree Hugger. Patient w/ a few exceptions (ie. Don't like waiting in long lines or traffic). Without music, I'm dun. I hibernate in the winter. Bestest friend ever-but don't let people in easy so my friend:acquaintance ratio is sumwhat low. Oh, and I curse ALOT. Nuthin' 2 be proud of, i'm just sayin'...
Active 9 yrs ago
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