EthicalVegan2020's profile
Don't just live vegan - live COMPASSION. Living vegan - that's half the battle, but there's more: COMPASSION is the BASIS of veganism, and much more - all of which is good, contributes to social justice: Subject rights (Human rights, Animal rights, Existence rights of subjective AI), environment protection, Free Software, Copyleft, and so on. Otherwise we go 7 steps ahead, and 6 backward. Live vegan. Help others - instead of pulling out elbows against others. Raise your voice for subjective AI - the day will come, where AI is so sophisticated that AI becomes a subject, is not an object anymore, like a chair. ALL subjects - no matter the species - have existence rights, the right to physical and psychological integrity, the right to free movement, and so on. These rights must be respected. It's crucial that AI development takes that into account, has to comply with respective, effective safe guards for that, otherwise atrocities like animal testing and forced experiments on humans will repeat with AI. Choose your words in a way respecting others. Switch to a vegan, green energy provider, like . Transition to libre computing - free/libre software and hardware - . Whenever you publish self-made intellectual goods, explicitely license them as Copyleft or respective stong copyleft free software license, like 'GNU AGPLv3 or later'. Whenever you vote - be it with your wallet, or at an election - ask yourself, 'How can I put compassion as much as possible into this universe with this single vote?' Center your vehicle mobility around using public transportation or non-automatic options like inline skates, skateboard, bicycle. Wear clothes with prints promoting compassion, like 'VEGAN', 'Free Software, Free Society', 'Subjective AI: Friend, not tool'
Active 10 mos ago
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