Community: Members: Profile

Em_KaleGoddess12's profile

Em_KaleGoddess12 picture


Ottawa, Canada


Here's my plant-based story: I watched a clip from Food Inc in one of my high school classes. Seeing the hurt on a baby chick's face as they were tossed down an assembly line is an image forever ingrained in my mind. I started to question animal agriculture practices and everything that I was ever taught - that milk was "good for my bones" and that meat was "essential for survival." I began researching vegetarianism and discovered that there were many benefits to a plant-based lifestyle. I became so immensed in the research that I went as far as using vegetarianism as the topic of one of my research projects. After my research, I decided to boycott (and "buycott" for that matter) my consumption of animal products and gradually reduced meat from my life. Ten years later, I have never looked back. I am a happier and healthier version of myself. I fluctuate between vegetarianism and being mostly vegan. I am happy to be a part of an amazing community and to share vegan meal ideas and traveling tips with fellow community members. :)

Active 3 mos ago

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