EilishMcCahill's profile

Hi all! My name is Eilish. I am the organizer of the LGBTQ Humanist Council of Baltimore and very proud of this opprotunity. I am an atheist aka, a person who does good for goodness sake and is not told to do so by a higher power. (they usually have ego problems anyhow lol) So, I am an atheist with a purpose and I work to live out everyday in the details that make up who I am and how I live. I am a vegetarian for the purpose of health and animal rights and enviromental issues. (Did you know that animal products leave a much bigger carbon footprint on our already suffering planet just because of how long it takes to transport them? It's true!) You can farm veggies in many more places than you can raise animals. Thank about it the next time you see the Perdue truck next to you on the beltway! I am also a masculine gender-queer affirming lesbian (it is a mouthful, I know) and gender binaries annoy me. Gender roles? Really? Are you really with us in 2013? Welcome! Grow a spine! I am also polyamorouse. No, not a whore, no not a glorified cheater. I am a lover of people forever, not one person forever. It is very freeing and no, not evil, and no I am not a pimp or someother degrading term that has often been directed at me. The solution for life's problems is stepping back and thinking. Yes, thinking. Not faith, not some god, just thinking and then doing according to the personal well thought out observation durived from that intelectual thought process. As a gay person and as an person that grew up in an around religion and one who lives in a state with too many churches to count I personal have observed that there is no possible way to be truely happy and free in religion. I am not a snob, I do not think that I am better than you. I mean no harm to anybody, really, I just do not see the good point that people always talk about when refering to religion. Have you ever thought about how one moment the christian bible says that this god loves you and tells you to, "come as you are"? I have and I have concluded that it is total crap! This god they speak of does not love and there is no way that it exists. Be you and do it with pride and don't let a glorified guilt complex touch you. You only answer to yourself. Your sexuality and your gender-identity are fine how they are and yes, we are born with them how they are. There are studies that prove this. But we do not need them to know that this is true. We just need to think and feel about it.
Active 3 yrs ago
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