Charmed22's profile

we came to this world alone.. eventually, we will leave alone... Be cHarmed or Harmed..... Love is a funny can bring you up all the way over the clouds to see the beautiful side of the world, or it can just plunge you into the darkest cloud of a thunder storm... But we can never live without it nor escape from it... For me, i don t care where i m gonna end up, as long as i can have wonderful memories of the part of the world with my beloved ones, to me it is worth it.... Life is just like a bus ride.. different type of people get onto the bus at different stops.. some bring laughters, some litters, some chit chat and bring lives, there are some who also cheats on your bus fare.!!! Not everyone will stay on board throughout your journey. We move from bus stops to bus stops....seeing new faces at each stop. but remember, when you are at the right stop, please open you door to let those fated ones to board, don t leave your passengers behind.. making one more friend in life is better than making one more enemy or none... . lifes goes on, don t stop in life and cling on to the past. In life, we are all made up of MEMORIES.... oh ya not to forget.. i am a very sensitive guy... with very strong feelings n Emotions...
Active 10 mos ago
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