Community: Members: Profile

AndreaC's profile

AndreaC picture


Shrewsbury, MA, USA


My path toward veganism started years ago when I stopped consuming "red" meat for health reasons, but I also had vegetarian tendencies, I always preferred a vegetarian meal. In 2013, I watched a video about slaughterhouses and decided to completely remove animals from my meals and less than a year later, I was 100% vegan, the last item to be removed was coffee cream, which I know now how many great options I have to choose from. I just can't believe I haven't done it before, this is my only regret about being vegan. I love to try new vegan restaurants, food, and recipes. I love Happy Cow because we can find a vegan place to go anywhere and we can find it by category (vegan/vegetarian or serve meat).

Active 1 yr ago

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