Vegan & Vegetarian Restaurants in Spain
Spain (10704 listings)
View all areas listed alphabetically
Autonomous Communities of Spain
Balearic Islands - the islands of Formentera, Ibiza, Majorca, and Minorca
Basque Country (Pais Vasco)
Canary Islands
See: Fuerteventura, Lanzarote, La Palma, Gran Canaria, La Gomera, TenerifeCantabria
Castilla la Mancha
Castilla y León
La Rioja
Madrid Region
Travel Notes:
Spain can be a little bit tricky to eat 100% vegan outside the big cities but the population is rising awareness towards what being
vegan means.
Contrary to what people believe, in Spain there are a lot of plant based traditional dishes that can save you while eating out.
-Gazpacho or Salmorejo are always vegan. You would have to ask for Salmorejo without toppings: "Sin jamón, ni huevo".
-Pisto, althought in most places it will be served with fried eggs you can ask "sin huevo" and eat it with fries or by soaking some
bread in.
-Berenjenas fritas con miel de caña: fried aubergines with syrop are also tipically vegan but check if they use any eggs or regular
-Patatas bravas/mojo picón/allioli: fries with different sauces that are vegan, although check if they make their own allioli or if
they buy it, because this one normally is made out of eggs. Traditionaly it should be just garlic and olive oil.
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