Vegan & Vegetarian Restaurants in Czech Republic
Czech Republic (1195 listings)
Prague is a highly popular vacation and sight seeing destination for tourists from all over the world. English is commonly spoken in the restaurants. Most restaurants will offer at least a few options on their menu for vegetarians (usually containing dairy and/or egg). There is a good number of restaurants that cater mainly to vegetarians, vegans, and healthy food seekers. Just follow HappyCow's Guide, and you will find that eating veggie food in Prague is easy as can be. Enjoy!
Prague Travel Phrases:
Vegetarian (adj)
Vegetariánský (m)
Vegetariánská (f)
Vegetariánské (n)
Is it vegetarian ?
Je to vegetariánské ?
Vegetarian (person)
vegetarián (m)
vegetariánka (f)
I'm a vegetarian
Jsem vegetarián/ka
Vegan (adj)
veganský (m)
veganská (f)
veganské (n)
Is it vegan ?
Je to veganské
vegan (person)
vegan (m)
veganka (f)
I'm a vegan
Jsem vegan/ka.
Vegan restaurant
Veganská restaurace
Does it contain animal ingredients/meat/fish/eggs/dairy products/honey ?
Obsahuje to zivočisné přísady/maso/ryby/vejce/mléčné výrobky/med ?
I don't eat meat/fish/eggs/dairy products/honey.
Nejím maso/ryby/vejce/mléčné výrobky/med