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Hi andreeani, I just checked the menu, ensuring I select the Fusionopolis branch. There's a filter for different diet type, including "vegan". Apply the vegan filter, there's only beverages in the response; zero food items. I've updated my review to now also include that fact. There could many reasons why the food they offer isn't vegan. You referred to falafel; maybe the falafel is cooked in the oil in which they cook chicken? Or maybe its the kitchen protocols? E.g., I once asked in Cedele if they have anything vegan. The person responded that they didn't because they slice vegetable on the same board on which they slice meat. I don't know the reason for which you believe you know more about the kitchen in that place than the guy in charge. Nor do I know the basis on which you make your decisions on deciding whether or not a product is vegan friendly; Hope? Optimism? Wishful thinking? Whatever it is, its up to you and you certainly don't have to justify it to me. From my perspective, I try to be clinical about it (although there's bound to be occasions when I get it wrong). Based on a calm assessment of the evidence, I now have an even higher level of confidence there's no vegan food options available at this venue. I'm sure you are acting in good faith and I wish you well.