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We would like what you have just said to be true. The opening hours of our restaurant are updated whenever we are forced to do so. On Wednesday night you were offered all the dishes and desserts available and yes, unfortunately we did not have pizza due to the demand for it however we told you that the next day we would set aside pizza for you. At no time did you have to shout to be served when you came on Friday night and if your way of "simply letting us know you are a disappointment" is to be completely vulgar then what a horrible, arrogant and immature attitude you had sir. If you think that because you are a tourist in a Latin American city you have the right to be rude to people providing a service you are wrong. And as the chef who is the owner of the restaurant let you know: you have to respect people, in this case the waitress who you thought was alone and that is why you acted arrogantly. You failed to add that when the owner approached you on the street, your attitude was mocking and defiant as if he was going to pick a fight with you. You also omitted that in the distance as the owners watched you leave, you continued to use obscene language with your hands as if you were a small child. In your "hospitality job" you need to learn a little humility and kindness, don't you? Most regrettably of all, the pizza dough was growing to keep offering more and would only have taken 25 minutes to be ready but you even let the waitress speak? No, you were pedantic and shut her up immediately. We do not tolerate any arrogant treatment of our team. Good day.

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