Top 4 Vegan Friendly Bakeries
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1025 N Fillmore St Ste G, Arlington, Virginia
Traditional bakery but also offering changing options for vegan cupcakes, chipwiches (chocolate chip cookie ice cream sandwich), cookies, and cream pies.
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4238 Wilson Blvd, Lvl C (at Ballston Quarter), Arlington, Virginia
Fully vegan cookie bakery. Offers about a dozen varieties of cookies, with rotating specials. One of a few outlets.
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N Glebe Rd & 7th St N, Arlington, Virginia
Serves meat, vegan options available. Provides plant milks for coffee and a vegan donut.
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2803 Columbia Pike (at Fillmore St), Arlington, Virginia
Offers several vegan pies every day, including any fruit pie with a lattice top. Vegan pies are not clearly labeled but staff always know which ones are. Vegan options include quiche, tomato pie, blackberry lime pie, ginger pear, and strawberry rhubarb.
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Note: For sorting by Highest Rated and on Best of the City listings we use the Wilson Score Interval rather than a straight average of listing ratings; for this reason a business with less stars may appear above one with more stars.
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